Well, I've been driving the car around a bit more recently so I decided it was time to replace my clutch with a new one capable of handling the power that I am putting down.
After talking with the owner of the shop that was going to do the work (he does LOTS of performance work), we ended up going with a new RAM stage 3 clutch and billet steel flywheel. The clutch is a bit of overkill, but I figured that the car is more likely to have more power at some point down the road than less. It is capable of holding about 650rwhp and torque, much more than the 400 that I have.
What a difference, its like driving a totally different car. First off, there is no slip to it, the friction point goes from disengaged to fully engaged with almost no pedal travel. I am not even embarrassed to admit that the first time I tried to pull out with the new clutch in, I stalled. Now that I'm past the 500 break in miles... WOW. I can now go full throttle in 1st gear again and the clutch doesn't slip. I can shift from 1 to 2 and the clutch holds.
I guess now its time to head to the drag strip when I get a chance, which will be next spring since I am over seas for a while right now.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
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